I just listed and sold a beautiful 1 bedroom condo in University Towers, a condominium building in Silver Spring, MD.
1121 University Blvd W. #1114B Silver Spring, MD 20902
It was nicely updated and set up with certain touches to be wheelchair friendly.
We got full price. The buyer used an FHA loan and there was no problem appraising.
The only challenge was the buyer using an internet lender who was not efficient and a poor communicator. We literally didn't know until Wednesday afternoon whether settlement would be on time or delayed. Choosing the right lender is right up there with choosing the right home for you.
That being said, the seller, the buyer and the realtor all got along and communicated well during the process.
I am excited for my seller as he embarks on the next step in his life. We met a few months ago when he received a mailer from 1 of my sold listings and invited me over to look at his condo. He is a real gem and is moving out of town to be closer to family.
Call: (301)943-4370
Email: adambashein@gmail.com
If any of your family, friends or colleagues are thinking of relocating, whether it is selling, buying or both, I would love to sit down and talk with them about the market, their goals and what I can do for them. Even if they aren't looking to move and have real estate questions, they can always contact me:
adambashein@gmail.com or (301)943-4370
I always have time for and greatly appreciate your referrals. By the way, if you are thinking of moving or have real estate questions let's get together for coffee!
Life is good!
Cell/Direct: (301)943-4370
Office: (301)921-4500 - ask for Adam
Licensed in MD & DC
RE/MAX Realty Group
information deemed to be accurate but not guaranteed

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