I was at the supermarket and a gentleman introduced himself to me,asked if I am Adam Bashein, the realtor. He recognized me from my advertising, told me his home in a Maryland suburb isn't selling,the listing expires soon and if his home doesn't sell,he's going to give me a call. He already bought and moved, so the home is vacant. I said it was a pleasure meeting you,thanks for recognizing me,it is good to see advertising dollars well spent and hope to speak with you soon. He has my contact information.
A short while later I went out to tour homes that are on the market for sale,including his,so if I have the pleasure of speaking with the gentleman again,I can talk about the features of his home verses the competitions' home.
It's about marketing and being at the right place at the right time.
What happens when a home seller isn't sure that he/she wants to stay with his/her realtor? How does a seller go about exploring other options before making a decision to stay with his/her realtor or to make a switch. How should the potential realtors follow up on their conversations with these sellers?
When home sellers are unhappy with their listing agents, they have 2 choices,based on the verbiage in the listing agreement: (1)either to terminate the relationship with written notice or (2)to wait for the listing expires. Of course, if they decide not to sell, then they can withdraw their home from the nmarket. If the home sellers want to talk with other realtors to see what other options are,then the sellers must take every initiative in making telephone calls and inviting realtors to meet with them in person. Realtors cannot market/solicit business from home sellers who are currently in an agency agreement with another realtor. So the only way I will talk with the seller is if he takes calls me to talk on the telephone or to meet with him
It's about marketing and being at the right place at the right time. I'm here whenever you need me in Metro DC.
Adam Bashein
Licensed in MD & DC
Weichert Realtors
7821 Tuckerman Lane
Potomac,MD 20854
301-718-4100 ext. 132
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