Check out out the loan program if you or someone you know who is a potential First-Time Home Buyer is interested in the possibility of receiving up to $5500 assistance with this loan product.
*The program works for first time home buyers in MD, DC, VA, NC, SC, Al,, and GA, so the program may work for your family, friends and colleagues who live in several areas!*
This piece is courtesy of one of my colleagues in the lending industry. Contact him for more information and to see if the loan product is for you.
in VA, MD, DC, NC, SC, AL, FL, and GA
Cell: (301)943-4370
And, if you, family members, friends and/or colleagues are starting to think about buying a home, contact me for a free and confidential, no hassle home buying consultation. Even if they aren't thinking about buying yet but are curious about the market, have them contact me at (301)943-4370 or to set up an appointment. I am always appreciate and have time for your referrals.
Life is good!
Cell/Direct: (301)943-4370
Office: (301)921-4500 -ask for Adam
Licensed in MD & DC
RE/MAX Realty Group
information deemed to be accurate but not guaranteed

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