Interest rates for a 30 year conventional loan are at a record low today at 4.17%. Speak to your lender. How can you afford not to buy? The lower the rates, the more house you can buy. How can you afford not to sell? The lower the rates are,the more buyers out their for your home,assuming it is priced correctly and shows well.
The National Association of Realtors recently released
its 2010 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, the annual
survey that evaluates demographics, preferences,
marketing and experiences of recent home buyers and
sellers. Among the survey's main findings are that the
typical seller is experiencing positive returns, and that
homeownership remains a fundamental goal of most
home buyers.
In fact, 85 percent of recent home buyers surveyed see their home as a good
investment, and nearly half think that investment is better than stocks. What's
more, the single biggest reason most people buy a home is the simple desire to
own a home of their own.
Other reasons for buying a home cited in the survey include:
• Desire for a larger home
• Change in family situation
• Home buyer tax credit
• Job-related move
• Affordability of homes
Let's talk about the market and I always have time for your referrals.
Life is good!
Cell: 301-943-4370
Adam Bashein
Licensed in MD & DC
Weichert Realtors
301-718-4100 ext. 132
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