Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Making yourself memorable! Nearly 6 years later a potential client reached out to me!

Call:  (301)943-4370
Email:  adambashein@gmail.com

On Saturday night I was retrieving messages and nearly dropped my cup of coffee when one was a note from somebody who reached out to me roughly 6 years ago!  

I had recently closed a sale in this person's community and, as part of my marketing, sent a sold card mailer to my sphere of influence as well as to neighbors in the community who would benefit from my services if they were considering moving.  

The person invited me over to her home on Monday morning, showed me my business card that she has kept all of these years.  She still has the mailer.  She reminded me that we had met roughly 6 years ago, talked about the market as she was considering moving, went out to look at a home she was interested in.  The problem was that the numbers didn't work for her to move at the time so she stayed in her home.  

It looks like the time has come for her to move and she wants me to be her agent...of course!  

Part of me wishes that I could remember that specific moment and what I specifically said in our meeting that made her decide to keep my contact information for over half a decade so she could call me when the time was right for her to move.  The other part of me says that whatever my amazing sales pitch was, we simply had a nice connection and I am incredibly grateful that she remembered me.

There have been appointments where, even though I thought things went really well with potential clients that they didn't feel the connection, and appointments that I didn't think went particularly well but the potential clients felt a connection and we worked through a home sale together.  

The most amazing part of this story to me is that I was with a different brokerage at the time of our first encounter and my business card had some information that is no longer valid.  My broker's number and my email address are different now than they were then.  Thankfully my cell phone number has remained the same.  She googled me to confirm who I am, reached out to me and I look forward to helping her move.  I am so flattered that we had such a connection and that she wanted me to be her realtor that she went through the extra effort of confirming my contact information so she could find me.

There are at least 2 lessons here.

The first is to never stop marketing. Printing will never go away. People read to post cards and, if you have a mental block about printing, run compelling digital ads.  Or do both if your budget allows.   

The second is to make a positive lasting impression at your meeting so either the person will enlist your services at the end of the meeting or if, after the meeting the person decides that the time is not right now to take an action, that he or she will have you top of mind when the time is right.  

Whenever you hear of a family member, friend or colleague who is thinking about making a move, with their permission, give me their contact information and I will reach out to them.  Or, if they prefer, have them contact me for a free and confidential, no hassle consultation. 

Have them call:  (301)943-4370 or email me:  adambashein@gmail.com.

I want what is the best move (or not move) for them and that reflects in my customer care.  Even if people you know aren't in the market to buy or sell but have a question about the real estate market, the value of their current home, it would be my pleasure to meet with them.  I always have time for and appreciate your referrals.  

Life is good!  




Direct/Cell:  (301)943-4370  

Office:  (301)921-4500 - ask for Adam  

Licensed in MD & DC  

RE/MAX Realty Group  

information deemed to be accurate but not guaranteed

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